The work at the Jagannath temple has started! Yes! It has. The excavation work started on August 14th. Utkal Samaj blog site will now bring weekly updates on the progress of the the construction work.
For those who believe in seeing than hearing, here are some pictures! And please please do visit the temple construction site to get the feeling of what is being built.
We know that you are also willing to contribute. On how you can, please call 9823252848, Utkal Samaj number.
We are now in a drive to collect funds. Please do contribute generously so that we all can have the temple constructed as soon as possible.
A very high level plan is to now have the temporary temple built, while the main temple work will take place in parallel. The main temple (whose details will be posted soon), will take about 7 to 10 years to build. In the meanwhile the temporary temple will function.
For more details please call 9823252848, Utkal Samaj number. or email